Maria Gill
My first day walking into Gymbo’s was very intimidating for me. I was by no means in good shape and felt out of place.
My first day walking into Gymbo’s was very intimidating for me. I was by no means in good shape and felt out of place.
I learned very quickly that no matter what my fitness goals were or where I was in achieving them that I wasn’t alone. Gymbo’s is a family and everyone is accepted how they are, treated with respect and encouraged. When I started training with Jim I didn’t know what to expect, he sat down with me and explained things I didn’t understand and helped create a path for me that would lead me to my goals. Jim is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in this field, he has pushed me past my limits and beyond. Without him I would never have been able to accomplish goals I never knew I had. I have seen changes in my body that I didn’t think were possible and I am the happiest I have ever been.